Qwixx JS

A fun luck and strategy dice game for 2 to 4 players

Choose the number of players

Player One

The current player is: Player 1

  • 1X1
  • 2X3
  • 3X6
  • 4X10
  • 5X15
  • 6X21
  • 7X28
  • 8X36
  • 9X45
  • 10X55
  • 11X66
  • 12X78
Penalty -5
  • Result:
  • +
  • +
  • +
  • -
  • =

How To Play

Qwixx is a 2 to 4 player dice game. Players must use strategy and luck to achieve the highest score possible.

If this is your first time playing, it is recommended to read over all the rules of the game.

If you ever require more details or an expanded set of rules, refer to here


One very important rule about Qwixx is that all scoring can only be achieved by scoring from LEFT to RIGHT on the score card. More details are provided in the upcoming slides.

Game Over

The game ends when either 2 colored rows have been crossed out or a player marks 4 penalty boxes. The game automatically keeps track of all scores and will display the winner at the end.

First select number of players, then click on "Start Game" to begin


The Main Player is the current players turn and has a red border around their score

The Selected Player is the player who's scorecard is on display and has a blueish box shadow around their score

The large Player title shows the Selected Player and the smaller subtitle that shows "the current player is:" shows the Main Players

The game will begin with Player 1's turn. Player One must click roll to roll the dice and begin the game.

How Scoring works

At this points players can start selecting dices and begin scoring. Players must click on at least two dices and they must either be a pair of white dices or one white die and one colored die. Players cannot select two colored dices.

With a pair of white dices, you can score on ANY colored row

It is advisable to first score with the white dices THEN with a colored dice as once you score using a colored dice, you are no longer able to score using a pair of white dices

Scoring can only be achieved from left to right on the scorecard. The goal is to have as many number boxes crossed out by the end of the game. The number box you choose is the SUM of the two dices you have selected

Pick a number box to score with (in this example we are selecting using a pair of white dices, each dice that was selected had a value of 3, so since 3 + 3 = 6 we can only choose a number box with a value of 6). See how the player selected a red number 6 box. From now on, the player can no longer use any number boxes TO THE LEFT of the number 6 box on the red row, only numbers to the right.

Players must use strategy on how they select their boxes as the more boxes the player can mark, the higher their score.

Once the main player has scored with a pair of white dices (please note that you don't have to use a pair of white dices if you don't want to), they can then score using one white die and one colored die

In this example, as the player chose one white die and blue die, the player MUST SCORE ON THE BLUE ROW. The color of the die corresponds to the colored row the player can use.


At this point, once the main player has completed with their scoring, the other players can score USING ONLY THE WHITE DICES, they cannot score using a white die and a colored die.

Simply click on the other players to view their scorecard

This is optional for the other players and they don't have to score using the white dices if they don't want to.

Once the main player has score at least one number box and all the remaining players have scored using the pair of white dices (again this is optional for the other players), the main player can end their turn.

If the main player is unable to score or doesn't want to score, they must take a penalty box and then click on the end button to continue the game.

Once the end button has been clicked. The next player will now be the main player and they can roll the dice. The game continues on.

The game ends when either two colored rows have been locked out or a player marks 4 penalty boxes. The player with the highest score wins

A colored row can be only be locked if the follwing conditions are met:

- at least 5 number boxes have been marked on the row (excluding the last number on the right)

- the last number on the right has been marked

When these conditions are met, the player who "locked out" the row gets an addtional point and for the remainder of the game, that colored row can no longer be used.